[ Teaching ]  Leadtek GDMS Function (4) Image

Leadtek GDMS Function (4) Image

  By : Leadtek AI Expert     30

Leadtek GPU Docker Management System (GDMS) is a Docker-based GPU resource allocation and management software. GDMS uses an intuitive and graphical user interface to centrally manage AI and big data projects and development resources for universities/schools, research institutions, and corporations.

Combined with Leadtek WinFast GPU workstations and servers, GDMS allows you to maximize resource usage, manage your tasks more efficiently, and reduce the total cost of ownership. All kinds of schools, institutions, and corporations will benefit from GDMS in their development environment deployment, no matter it’s an AI development project, an AI training course, or a GPU accelerated application project.

There are 7 functions in GDMS: 

(1) Overview

(2) Server

(3) Container

(4) Image

(5) Task

(6) Log

(7) Settings

In this article, we will talk about function (4) Image.

(4) Image 

The Image page is the Docker Image management page, which includes three tabs: Public, Private, and Download.

"Public" represents the management list of Docker Images for frameworks stored in the Master GPU Server, provided by the system by default.

"Private" is the management list of Docker Images managed by each project. This page includes user permission management features, meaning that only users belonging to the specific project can operate or view the Docker Images.

"Download" is where you can download Images to the client after exporting them from the Public or Private pages. This page also includes user permission management features. 

1.  Public 

Public refers to the Docker Images provided by the GDMS system by default. Accounts with Editor or Viewer permissions within a project can perform Export and View functions.  

 Accounts not associated with any project can only perform the View function. The content includes the following: 

  • Repository: Docker Image name. 
  • Tag: Docker Image version.
  • Size: Docker Image size.
  • Push Time: Docker Image upload date and time. 

In the Public page, clicking on a Docker Image name will bring up the toolbar for operations, which includes the following functions: 

  • Export: Allows you to export a specific Docker Image to the Download page. 
  • View: Allows you to view the contents of a specific Docker Image. 

2.  Private 

Private refers to the management list of Docker Images that have been committed by each project. This page includes user project management permissions. Accounts with Editor permissions in a project can perform all operations, while accounts with Viewer permissions can only view the contents of the Docker Images.

The content includes the following: 

  • Project: Project name. 
  • Total Size: Total size of the committed Docker Images.
  • Count: Total number of committed Docker Images. 

In the Private page, clicking on a Docker Image name will bring up the toolbar for operations, which includes the following functions: 

  • Export: Allows you to export a specific Docker Image to the Download page. 
  • Edit: Allows you to modify the content of a specific Docker Image. 
  • Delete: Allows you to delete the content of a specific Docker Image. 

Expanding a project allows you to view the individual Docker Image name, version, size, and upload date and time for that project.  

3.  Download 

Docker Images that are either system default or exported by various projects will be temporarily stored in the management list and automatically deleted by the system after 7 days. This page includes user project management permissions. Accounts with Editor permissions in a project can download Docker Images, while accounts with Viewer ermissions can only view the contents of Docker Images. For system default Docker Images, accounts with either Editor or Viewer permissions can perform Export and View functions, whereas accounts not associated with any project can only view the content.

The content includes the following: 

  • Repository: Docker Image name. 
  • Tag: Docker Image version.
  • Size: Docker Image size.
  • Export Time: Docker Image export date and time. 

Expanding a project shows the Docker Image names, versions, sizes, and upload dates and times.  

Clicking a Docker Image name in the Download tab brings up the toolbar at the top for operations: 

  • Download: Download the Docker Image. 
  • View: View the Docker Image details.